Programmatic accreditation is generally administered by professionally-oriented specialty accrediting bodies. The idea is that professionals in a given field are best able to judge a program’s educational quality.
In many cases, attending a program that is recognized by the right agency is a prerequisite for obtaining a job in fields such as psychology, law, and healthcare. Many programmatic accreditors (such as the APA) require that accredited programs be housed in an institutionally accredited school.
Programs may be offered that are judged by these specialty bodies, without necessarily possessing institutional accreditation. For instance, continuing education programs within non-educational settings (such as hospitals) may be accredited by a specialized accreditation agency. Such courses may count professionally (towards professional certifications or state licenses) but will not transfer for college transfer credit. Similarly, if a specialty body accredits a program at a school, but the school itself is not institutionally accredited, the program may have professional value, yet credits will not transfer and students may not be able to receive federal financial aid. Since professional requirements vary, it is crucial to find out what accreditation is necessary for a given career.
No matter what vocation a student chooses, it is wise for her to become familiar with the professional requirements in the field. Tools for investigating professional accreditation requirements include:
With a little research into accreditation, students can be assured of taking the right steps towards a rewarding career.
In this regard, Higher Education Council provides programmatic accreditation to any academic institution that seeks its services. In this case you would like to get programmatic accreditation for any of your programs, please send us an email at:
Programmatic accreditation