Goals and Objective of Higher Education Council

Goals and Objectives of Higher Education Council

Quality assurance has been a priority for the Bologna Process, but its mechanisms are not perceived as an end in themselves. Their ultimate goal is to enhance the quality of teaching and research and, in this respect, quality assurance agencies act as a support for institutions in their continuing development and, equally, have a key role as protectors of the public interest.

Higher Education Council, with the development of this Framework, is in line with the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training and, like the latter, has the following characteristics:

  • it is a reference tool to supervise and contribute to the constant improvement of the quality of this type of provision, basically defined by common instruments, descriptors, and quality indicators
  • its general objective is to guarantee and improve the quality of vocational training in the education system regarding systems (administrations involved) and institutions providing academic training.

In this regard, strategic lines of action, focusing on the following points, are proposed:

  • Organize a system for the coordination of quality that safeguards and systematically develops quality in education and educational services, both at the pedagogical and administration levels;
  • Converge with European recommendations regarding the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework;
  • implement the Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Academic Training in the education system.

Research Centre, Higher Education Building
Box: 111, City of Idlib, North Syria

